Olga Triantafyllou | Head of the practice
Triantafyllou Olga was born and raised in Thessaloniki. She is a therapist, a graduate of the Logotherapy Department of ATEI of Epirus, with postgraduate studies in "Communication Disorders Sciences" at the University of Macedonia. She has a Certificate of Training in "Learning Difficulties-Dyslexia" of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens.
He is a member of the Association of Speechologists and Speech Therapists of Greece. Since 2010, she has been participating in a number of training and specialized training courses, taking the appropriate certificates of proficiency in alternative communication programs such as PECS, MAKATON and intervention methods such as TEACCH, Intensive Interaction, Palin PCI, and Sensory Integration (S.I). She has participated as a speaker at conferences in Greece and abroad for a year, with a research focus on the communication skills of school-age children and children in the Autistic spectrum. She is currently completing her Cygnet training program, which involves supporting parents and siblings to better understand the Autistic Spectrum.
She fosters particular love for children by providing speech therapy and counseling services, as well as organizing groups of social skills and school readiness, believing that through the group children will face social challenges and naturally enhance their personal communicative and social skills.